Despite All the Progress Weโ€™ve Made, There Is Still, for Some Strange Reason, a Ridiculous Amount of Work to Be Done

Martin Luther King III

1,157 words

Probably due to some traumatic event in the womb or early childhood, I have chosen an avocation which constantly forces me to expose myself to things that upset me.

Thus, the other day I smacked myself in the face with a headline from The Guardian that read, โ€œBritain โ€˜not close to being a racially just societyโ€™, finds two-year research project.โ€ Since I am far more masochistic than sadistic, I will kindly spare you most of the trauma I endured actually reading the article. The only direct passage Iโ€™ll quote is the allegation that there is โ€œdetailed evidence of discrimination and unfairnessโ€ plaguing the British Isles.

Imagine being so confused about the difference between the subjective and the objective that one can declare, under...

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