Robert Rutherford McCormick, Midwestern Man of the Right: Part 1

Robert R. McCormick in 1925.

2,981 words

Part 1 of 2

The United States has too many ongoing military deployments. There are unnecessary military bases in Syria, Somalia, South Korea, and Niger, to name the most egregious. A solid case can actually be made for the Americans to withdraw from NATO entirely. There have also been a number of pop deployments that have been made to prop up burdensome allies, such as the US Marinesโ€™ foray into Lebanon in 1983, to get the Israelis out of a jam they created for themselves.

These deployments are a continuous waste of lives, equipment, and money. In many cases, the nations or peoples being supported are anti-American. They like American money and controllable American politicians, but often hate white Americans. Israelis, for example, enjoy...

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