REVIEW: The Flash – Season 9, Episode 7, “Wildest Dreams”

The Flash better have something epic – or at least mildly entertaining – in store for its last few episodes because much of this final season has been a boring waste of time. Aside from money, I don’t understand why they came back for one more season. Nobody’s heart seems to be in it anymore, and they’re continuing the show just to continue it, like an office drone typing away at something he doesn’t understand anymore in a caffeine-fueled trance. “Wildest Dreams” is dullsville squared, a useless episode that’s more about its guest star than any of the main characters, and an insulting waste of time from a show that should be going to extremes to give its fans a fun send-off.

Iris worries when elements of Barry’s guidebook begin happening, but she gets sucked into a visitor’s...

Contains Mention
Mar 30th 2023
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