HIS ONLY SON is a stirring, dramatic retelling of the Bible story from Genesis 22, about Godโ€™s commandment to Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, as a burnt offering on Mount Moriah, with some scenes showing what Abraham and his wife, Sarah, went through earlier. HIS ONLY SON is a compelling, rewarding, biblically accurate historical drama that points to the connections that Abrahamโ€™s story has with the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah who has become a Light for Gentiles as well as for Jews.

The movie takes a contemplative look at Godโ€™s paradoxical command about Isaac to Abraham, Abrahamโ€™s struggle with carrying it out, and the meaning of this difficult passage from Genesis 22. As one Hebrew scholar puts it, โ€œGod took a landless man...

Proper Review
Mar 23rd 2023
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