Royal Opera House Accused of ‘Whitewashing’ Despite Diverse Cast

For many opera goers, the Royal Opera House’s (ROH’s) latest production of Puccini’s Turandot will be considered an example of truly diverse casting, with performers coming from across the globe.

The nine lead characters hail from six different countries, including singers from South Korea, South Africa and the Congo.

But one group, which promotes Asian representation in the theatre industry, says ROH’s newest production is an example of opera’s “whitewashing” problem.

The British East and South-East Asians in Theatre and On Screen (BEATS) group has lambasted the production for its lack of British East and South-east Asian (BESEA) singers in the cast and production team.

On Saturday, the not-for-profit organisation took to Twitter to bemoan the fact that of the nine...

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Mar 15th 2023
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