Heard It On The Wire
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Even though I'm not an HBO enjoyer I've been trying to understand the praise for shows from the peak of cable in the early 2000s. I Heard various people say The Wire and the Sopranos are more based than productions of today so I gave both a try recently. The Wire is pretty decent crime show. I watched the first season and a bit of the second. It has a good flow from episode to episode and none of the episodes I watched felt derivative or misplaced, which is a problem I found with The Sopranos. There are a couple of proto-woke characters including a pretty badly written lesbian detective and a gay black drug dealer; who is written a bit better into the role of an avenging violent anti-hero. In my review of The Sopranos I rated the first 2 seasons 4/5 stars, 1 star higher than the last 3. The Wire is a solid 3 stars in my books, it's good and will hold your attention if you want something mildly exciting with generic HBO dialogue, shoehorned in sex scenes and some sudden twists.
Mar 4th 2023
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