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There are a lot of moments in this docuseries that show how multifaceted Kanye is. He raps about being self-conscious and how he is using positive thinking to achieve his dreams. Something his mother taught him. He checks in with her asking about if he seems too arrogant and she guides him with the balance of confidence and humbleness. And after watching the full trilogy I don't think Kanye's crazy. However, his "believe to achieve" philosophy combined with him being bipolar seems to be the main culprit. I am skeptical and often dismissed the mainstream media calling him insane. But since the cameraman and director of this trilogy is someone who knew Kanye since day 1 of his comeup, and also comments about Kanye being unwell, it's safe to say Kanye does in fact have some mental health issues. The only question is how much of it is genetic, how much is trauma from losing his mother, how much from constant pressure of being famous & under attack from the media, and how much was MK Ultra sh*t from his personal trainer and other handlers. I guess we'll never know.

But it's clear to me that he is not as batsh*t crazy as the media portrays. He's not a schizo hobo on the street rambling about the cat that's secretly an alien or whatever. The way I view it is that alcohol is a truth serum and so is his mental illness. Many times he revealed his power level under the influence of booze. He was just tipsy and venting Mel Gibson style. And other times I've seen him sober yet unhinged like on Alex Jones. I think he is bipolar and in a manic episode. But he's still speaking from his experience of being used and abused by the industry. He's still spitting facts when he cries about how he was almost aborted, and how he almost aborted one of his daughters. He's 100% right when he says a society that accepts abortion is sicker than a man who cries about it.

And if anyone knows the (((industry))) it would be someone like Ye. (((They))) are a mafia and it's a blessing that someone as rich and famous as him is as fearless and c̶r̶a̶z̶y̶ unhinged as him, so that they can speak truth to power. I was talking to a black chick about how Kanye is right and I support him. She said, "He hasn't been right since his momma' died." And, "He doesn't take time to heal and get better. Instead of taking care of his mental health he just keeps creating and it's a vicious cycle." Facts. But that's why he is the goat and Jay-Z has stagnated over time. Or why Eddie Murphy got stale. Throughout the trilogy countless celebrities warn about this typical celebrity decline. Like Pharrel Williams losing his sh*t at his first hearing of "Through the Wire." And then giving a spiel about how Ye has to remain humble and thirsty.
It reminds me of the lyrics to Cursive's "Art is Hard."

TL;DL In order to relate to the audience and continue to make deep soulful art you have to keep cutting deep and opening yourself up to the world.

More evidence of my theory that Kanye mainly just has a bipolar disorder and isn't legit crazy is comparing his interview on Alex Jones v.s. his interview with Gavin McInness.
Seemingly two different people:
Kanye West Alex Jones Full Interview: 

Kanye West Gavin McInnes Full Interview:

Gavin's take at the end seems to be the most accurate. Speaking of which, this is my biggest pet peeve with critics of Ye 2024. "Hurr durr, he's not gonna' win!" Yeah, probably not. But then again, it's Weimar Republic 2.0 / Idiocracy and everyone said the same about Trump. But it's not about that. Ye said in his interview with Alex that: "worst case scenario [he] wakes people up and brings important taboo issues into the spotlight." And "best case scenario [he] becomes president." So even the super confident god complex man himself is understanding about the likelihood of his presidency. It sounds like he is ready to make himself a martyr too, because in other interviews he has taunted Mossad and other elites, and threatened them that if he dies it will spark a movement bigger than Floyd.
Furthermore, Nick Fuentes said similar things on his Dec 3rd stream:
He said that there is almost no America left to save and that going within the system is not the top priority. That things are so bad and so degenerate that it's more important to get the word out and shake things up. In other words, Ye is only a little crazy, and it serves as steroids for his ego / as a truth serum. And he & Nick are trying to shift the Overton Window and accelerate first and foremost. It's the same strategy Andrew Yang had. Yang admitted on Rogan that he hoped to be president but would be happy with just bringing the conversation of automation into the zeitgeist.

Okay, back to the docuseries. The ending was amazing and made the film come full circle. Which is rare for a documentary since you can't script 'em.
The concert lights looked like God's pupil with Kanye in the middle as an iris. While this was happening Donda West's words were playing in the background. "When a giant looks in the mirror he sees nothing." At the time I first heard it in episode 1, it seemed fairly nonsensical. But as she expanded and said "You can fly high as long as your feet are on the ground" while Ye was being pulled into the spotlights on stage via cables, it clicked. When I heard her say it in episode 1 I just perceived it as a weird way to say stay humble but be confident in your dreams and you'll achieve them. Something like that.
But after Ye's Christian revival arc and his constant rambles about channeling God's will throughout the trilogy, I got it. As a pantheist, I believe we are all water droplets coming from the same source. When we die we return. We are a way for God to know himself. To a Christian they view it roughly the same except that the Holy Spirit is within us and when we die we stay ourselves. Not a big difference. In any case, Ye is a way for God to look in the mirror and do his bidding. Ye often talks about how God is humbling him when he put him through a car crash, or took his Adidas deal. But he always keeps him afloat when he's ready to walk the path.

Or at least that's how I took it. Great documentary. I hope Ye becomes president and if he doesn't let's enjoy the chaos of Clown World regardless. If you're a cynic or Ye hater, watch this trilogy to put things in perspective. You'll still be a hater most likely, but you'll gain some respect for his dedication, resilience, and workaholism. I wish all Black people were like him and the other entrepreneurs featured throughout the trilogy...


Dec 6th 2022
This review was posted from the United States or from a VPN in the United States.
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