Thor: Love And Thunder Can't Be That Bad Can It?
01:43 "... design uh Kristen Bales performance is ..."
02:40 "... chemistry between Chris Hemsworth and ..."
02:43 "... Natalie Portman especially when she lets ..."
04:01 "... Thor himself Chris Hemsworth he has a ..."
04:39 "... really shows that Chris Hemsworth can ..."
05:12 "... Chris Hemsworth described uh of a ..."
05:27 "... think that you do Chris Hemsworth a ..."
06:37 "... Christian Bale is certainly aiming it up ..."

Wes and Aaron Sparrow finally watched Thor; Love and Thunder for the viewers. We've heard the film is an abomination and perhaps the worst in MCU history. Wes and Aaron learn the hard way that yes, Thor: Love and Thunder is that bad. They identify a couple of things the film does well and then tear into the horror that is Thor: Love and Thunder. Perhaps the last Marvel Comics story worth adapting to film is wasted in Taika Waititi. Thor: Love and Thunder can't be that bad can it?

Wes and Aaron Sparrow finally watched Thor; Love and Thunder for the viewers. We've heard the film is an abomination and perhaps the worst in MCU history. Wes and Aaron learn the hard way that yes, Thor: Love and Thunder is that bad. They identify a couple of things the film does well and then tear into the horror that is Thor: Love and Thunder. Perhaps the last Marvel Comics story worth adapting to film is wasted in Taika Waititi. Thor: Love and Thunder can't be that bad can it?

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