House of the Dragon: In Between the Sheets

House of the Dragon: In Between the Sheets

foreign let's get the simple part out the way this is the weakest episode of the season it's not bad just mediocre it sets up some of the conflicts that will happen later in the season but because of the way the episode is structured it doesn't do it all that well the episode is set nearly three years after the previous one and opens with the scene from the war happening in the stepsons between Damon and the crabbeater then it goes to renira Allison emissaries in her family drama and finally ends with the showdown between the crabbeater and Damon the problem is that the bulk of the show is about raniera and her family drama so when it cuts to the battle at the end there's no tingent or weight to the fight says we never get to...

Nov 12th 2022
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