I cope and seethe at this Doctor Who quiz because it's stupid

Welcome back to the new and improved Quiz Tuesday!

These episodes are recorded live on my twitch: twitch.tv/jayexci

hello and welcome to another absurd trivia quiz Tuesday it's another Doctor Who on because that's what these are apparently um first things first as per tradition let's read out what the uh sidebar ad says you can't currently see it but it is a woman um she's looking at the camera and the caption says husband was in tears after seeing this photo and asked for a divorce and there's a little red arrow and it's pointing at some it's pointing at an empty Shelf so that's what that is but uh right let's see what jacrifest has for us this time [ __ ] how many actors have played the doctor first of all you're counting like you're counting Richard hernd or is...

Nov 1st 2022
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