John Locke’s Blank Slate & the Unique Development of Children’s Literature in the West

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There is an elective affinity — a relationship of reciprocal attraction and mutual reinforcement — between a) John Locke’s argument that a child’s mind initially resembles an “empty cabinet” or a “white paper void of all characters” which can be shaped by controlling the education impressed upon the child’s mind, and b) the origins of a literature specifically written for children in the 1700s in England. John Locke’s pedagogical book, Some Thoughts Concerning Education (1692), with its thesis that “children’s minds” could be shaped “from without” by “those who have children or the charge of their education” became “the moving spirit of the eighteenth century.”

Samuel Pickering documents in his book, John Locke and Children’s Books in...

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Oct 24th 2022
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