There’s Something Terribly Wrong With Disney’s “Hocus Pocus 2”

Warning: Colossal spoilers ahead!

Once upon a time, on a brisk October evening, a family is looking for a movie to watch on Disney+. All of a sudden, Hocus Pocus 2 appears on the screen and fills everyone with joy! The children are intrigued by the colorful thumbnail image while the parents are nostalgic about the original Hocus Pocus.

So the family pops some corn, sits on the couch, and puts on this spooky (but children-friendly) movie – one that is sure to put everyone in the Halloween spirit.


Indeed, Hocus Pocus 2 was not made to simply entertain: It drills children on important social agendas. It mixes the concepts of feminism and sisterhood with satanism and witchcraft in an unholy stew that is served to unsuspecting children worldwide.


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Oct 19th 2022
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