'Bros' Bombed... and The Media Tells the Star to DEAL WITH IT.
00:25 "... Bros if that's why it failed because ..."
02:03 "... is the star of bros a gay rom-com and ..."
03:09 "... curious claims about Bros is seeing the ..."
04:29 "... Bros is okay to let gay bomb commentary ..."
04:33 "... freedom Bros extols the freedom of fight ..."
08:03 "... person said I happen to think Bros is ..."
09:19 "... night romp while selling Bros as ..."

#bros #hollywood #billyeichner #movies

'Bros' was a massive box office failure, and star Bill Eichner blamed straights for not going for its failure. And the media has his back, right? Right? NOPE. Actually, they're lowkey telling him to take the L and SHUT UP already. Ouch.

Proper Review
Oct 7th 2022
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