Thought for the day X: Graham Linehan and "cancel culture"

#grahamlinehan #transphobia #feminism #transgenderism #gbnews #cancelculture

hello again I'm Debbie George editor of millionaire magazine this is my thought for the day and in this particular video I want to talk about Graham line and now for those of you who don't know him uh Graham liner and co-wrote the television series Father Ted along with his writing partner Arthur Matthews I regard Father Ted as the funniest comedy series ever to come out of the British Isles uh but I've also I've got the box set and I've watched the commentary because I like to sort of look behind the scenes and see how the thing was made and so on um The Writer's commentaries um Arthur Matthews didn't participate in that but line and did and what becomes very apparent is Linens politics uh...

Sep 30th 2022
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