We Love 'Sing' for the Same Reason We Love 'American Idol'

There’s a moment at the beginning of the new movie Sing where Buster Moon (the Koala bear voiced by Matthew McConaughey) remembers how he fell in love with theater. He is watching a performance by the great diva Nana Noodleman (a sheep voiced in her early years by Jennifer Hudson) with his father and sees the power that a master performer can have over her audience. But now that Moon is an adult, the owner of the very theater where Noodleman once performed, she is not the kind of act that will bring in the audience he needs to save the operation Instead, like a network executive working with unionized actors who want too much money, Buster Moon decides instead to hire amateurs. Specifically, he decides to hold a talent contest. Though he offers a significant amount of prize money...

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Jan 2nd 2017
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