First two episodes
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After seeing the internet aglow with what a travesty this series was going to be, I decided to watch it, now that my working hours are shorter, before I start about the multiculturalism, first a short review about the first two episodes. Overal its a decent series, nothing special, it seems fairly grounded with some decent character development, the fantastical cities look nice, but the magic isnt really anywhere to be found, its overal very bland and somewhat slow, no nudity, or vice, though perhaps we will be getting gay elves somewhere along the line. What makes a lot of people angry is of course, the weird and blatant racemixing, the hobbits are mixed race, even though they life in a small isolated tribe, we get a black elf, a black dwarf, a small rural village has black people, equally we get asian actors. Naturally they have to have some strong female characters. Basically the effect this has on you, is that you are somewhat immersed in the story and suddenly you get pulled right out of it, this could have been a fun fantasy series you could let your children watch, but sadly its propaganda.
Sep 2nd 2022
This review was posted from the Netherlands or from a VPN in the Netherlands.
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