Nice campy horror
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Since everyone is now writting horror reviews on this site, I decided a fun one that I watched years... ago during my classic horror phase and rewatched a while ago. A fun little horror film in the style of classic hammer horror with both Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing in two great roles. Basically a group of scientists discover the well preserved carcass of an ape and transport in back on the Siberian express, little do they know but the ape is being possesed by satan? or some alien force? Heck I have no idea. Anyway, the ape starts sucking peoples brain through his eyes and then starts hoping bodies, learning along the way. Yeah, bonus paints are the two redheads in the film, Kojak as an insane military commander whiping everyone in the train and a crazy monk spouting constant insane religious gibberish. Not a really good film, but enjoyable.
Aug 11th 2022
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