Why Feminists Should Be Angry with 'Game of Thrones'

LifestyleCultureBook ReviewsmediaTelevisionfeminism Game of Thrones season 6 premiered this week, and many outlets are praising the first episode as a victory for "women's empowerment." Ironically, the most empowering moments were also the least compelling, as a group of women carelessly murdered three very powerful men. "The Red Woman" had great moments as well, but underdeveloped violent heroines are more of a weakness than an asset.via GIPHYFeminists have long complained about a certain fiction trope, the "strong female character." In our feminist age, authors of books, films, and television began to realize that most of the central heroes were men. In order to balance the scales, they introduced women as action heroines, but failed to give them a compelling backstory or any real character...

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Apr 25th 2016
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